Sunday, June 10, 2012

TechEd 2012 Personal Goal

Last year I got to meet 5 PowerShell MVPs last year at TechEd 2011

  • Don Jones
  • Kirk Munro
  • Jeffery Hicks
  • Aleksandar Nikolic
  • Steven Murawski (not a MVP at the time but I was following him before TechEd)
Most of these were thanks to Ed Wilson @ScriptingGuys, Teresa Wilson @ScriptingWife, and Mark Schill @meson3902. Meeting these people and others gave me great ideas that turned into solutions in our environment. It also gave me the information needed to convince my management to make PowerShell a training priority. Today of the 12 people on our infrastructure engineering teams, 9 have had formal PowerShell training. Of the 3 without, 1 is a manager and the other 2 work 85% with network gear and Cisco telephony. I want to continue that trend. My goals for this year

  1. Continue to meet new people in the PowerShell community
  2. Re-connect with ones I've already met.
  3. Show the vendors we use how PowerShell and their products work in our environment 
  4. Give back to the community by helping anyone that ask and start posting tools and solutions to problems I solve.

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